Jose was worried about the place where he left the car. I was alone when I saw a river flood of young people running from the front door of the hotel and running to the back of the hotel. I called Jose and started running with his bags on my hands. He remembers now seeing a guy taking his bag with his Max Weinberg picture and thinking he was being robbed. I ran and ran and Jose was the one who pointed to someone on the old streets of old town: "Bruce". That night I didn't like what I saw. There were guys sending flashes, other filming Bruce watching street performers. Bruce's security guy called one more guy. From the bars people would star and say: "Hey, te digo, vi a Bruce!" Bruce would try to go one way and a bunch of "fanaticos" would go too. I was in the middle of them. I decided to go back when Bruce turned and stayed two, three meters from me. As a 47 years old fan who started listening to his music at 16 on the smalll portuguese town of Aveiro, I would call him and would be immediately stoped by bodyguards. We decide to go back, Bilbao hotel on my mind.
Jose was still obsessed with Max: "Bruce went to sleep but I wanna meet Max!" That day i had strong muscle pain, I was exausted. That was when Carla De Las Casas, Jose's wife proposed us to go quietly to Maria Cristina's hotel. Jose is a professional. He told me I could go wearing my 17th Bruce t-shirt. He went to his car and brought me a baseball t-shirt. I don't like baseball, love soccer, love portuguese soccer team Benfica but I said: "That's okay". I seated on the bar drinking non-alcohoolic beer, something very strange for my stardards but I did it for Bruce. I would'nt talk him throwing a mix of San Miguel and Jameson smell from my mouth.
After about one hour Carla showed me a picture: Jose, Carla and Bruce Springsteen himself. I wanted to cry. Instead, I stood with my beer watching about 45 minutes Bruce chating with musicians, just in front of me. One move and the security would send me "a la calle".
It's 1h30, Bruce is preparing to go to his room. My brain says: "Take a move, Nuno, take a move". I pass the bar and stay between the way to the promised land and Bruce. The bodyguard says: "No". I make my snake dive and tell Bruce: "Sir, I just came one thousand miles just to see ya. Can I take a picture with you?" The body guard took the picture. I told Bruce, shouting: "This is the happiest picture of my life, you're the one!" Bruce was laughing, his security man not so much because all the other low profile clients of the bar just jumped from their seats.
I touched the body guard arms and said: "You look portuguese" and he answered "I am portuguese". So, in the end, Bruce in his Maria's bed, I saw him again, shouted "Gimme five, portuguese and proud!"
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